The Universe contain everything form tiny particle to super clusters but how did it all began,how the universe was born?
Many people believed (still believe) that the universe was created by a Superbeing (God) others believed that the universe was static without beginning or end. Einstein's theory of relativity give as a better idea to understand  gravity and in 1920's Edwin Hubble discovered that the Galaxies are expanding (moving apart from each other) and later he found that the expansion  is accelerating.
Cosmologist came up with an idea that everything should have started with an explosion of Infinity hot and infinitely small point.People really doesn't like the idea, they mockingly called it as  big bang but many evidences like cosmic microwave background (CMB),Dark matter, Dark energy etc proved that it was right and the name was perfectly fit for it.

  The Big Bang is actually not an explosion it is an expansion of space itself. Universes starts from Time equal to zero (T=0) known as planck epoch or planck's  era (T=0 to T=10^-43s)When T=0 there is no time or space, concept of time is meaningless for the values below Planck's time(10^-43s) so we don't have any idea what happened during that period all the physical laws breakdown at that point.
When the Planck era ends Gravity separate from electro-nuclear force and the universe had it four dimensional space time physics.

From 10^-43s to 10^-36s starts the Grand unification era the 3 fundamental forces electrostatic,weak & strong forces unified into one electro-nuclear force. At the end of the Grand unification era strong force is  separated from the other forces.
From 10^-36s cosmic inflation started within the fraction of second the space expanded into the size more than the observable universe.Ordinary expansion started from 10^-36s during this time weak and electromagnetic force gets separated.

From 10^-12s to 10^-6s
During this period quark were formed somehow  1 billion and one matter there were for 1 billion antimatter thereby  matter dominated ove antimatter all the antimatter cancelled by colliding with matter and matter remains. Due to expansion the temperature was cooling down the formation of quark stopped.
From 10^6s to 1s hadrons were formed like proton and neutron. 1 second has passed after the big bang.

1s to 10s during this time leptons (particle which doesn't undergo strong interaction)were formed.Leptons & anti leptons were cancelling each other almost 10 second after the big bang the temperature was cooling the production of leptons stopped all the anti lepton cancelled and the lepton was left. From 10s to 379000 years is photon dominant era from 3 minutes to 30 minutes were nucleosynthesis era were nucleus synthesized up to lithium. From 380000 years after big bang energy density was decreasing but temperature was high enough to ionise hydrogen so electron got escaped from its orbit. Photons couldn't travel through the universe the universe was opaque. When the universe cooldown  the electron was captured by hydrogen and Helium nuclei and the first atom was born. The universe become transparent photons where able to travel freely, after 13.8 billion years  we detect the same Photon as CMB at the end of this era there were 75% of hydrogen 25% of helium and some lithium.

380000 to 150 million years is know as the dark age or  from first atom to the first star during that time there were nothing to light up the universe.
The first star was born after 150million years from big bang these stars were super massive stars which were hundreds of time massive than our sun and burn out quickly as supernova produces more heavier elements. Later Stars, Galaxy,Superclusters were formed and Us.
But sill we don't know what was at the beginning we will able to know if we create a Grand unified theory a Theory of Everything by combining relativity with quantum mechanics. Maybe in the future we  may get the answers for every question we asked!